Sunday, December 26, 2010

Egg Sammich Perfecto

As if I didn't already write enough about food...

This morning I made the perfect egg sandwich or "egg sammich perfecto."  There's more than making the perfect egg sandwich than the actual act of making the perfect egg sandwich.  This is something I've done for years.  I've been a kid and made an egg sandwich.  Technique, ingredients, and panache have evolved, thankfully... and I've learned from my experiences, and this is why I'm writing about it.

Everything has changed about the egg sandwich without the essential purpose of the egg sandwich changing.  I promise you it makes sense (or at least it does to me, regardless of the silly metaphors).. The bread is now 12-grain, the eggs are 2, non-broken yolks and basted, which requires ice cubes, a cover for the pan, and lots of patience in order to get the yolk semi-hard and well, perfecto... Cheddar cheese is added but to one side of the bread that is toasted in the toaster over to make the bread crispy and the cheese melty.  Things I've owned for the first time = toaster oven, I've had one for a year now.  Also, I learned the method of basting or glazing eggs about 5 years ago.  Another, very key, ingredient that wasn't there before... kosher salt, sea salt would also work just fine.  The texture of this salt adds a bolder taste that compliments the egg, cheese, and bread just right.

This egg sandwich was so good I wanted to eat it in slow motion.  It was better than anything you could order out (because it wouldn't meet your specifications AND, more importantly, you didn't make it!) That stuff matters... to me.  I don't want to have to be able to make or re-create dishes I love.  I also don't have to be able to answer every question everyone has for me...but, I do like to feel successful at something that I've been working on for a very long time.  Actually, I don't really ever have to make that version of the egg sandwich again because I know if was done, accomplished, and appreciated. 

So, this is the part when I include more silly metaphors about how the egg sandwich assembly is like life.  Yes and no.  For the most part, the egg sandwich is an egg sandwich.  I haven't had one in a long time and I must've filled some craving for it...not yet falling into the law of diminishing returns category, etc.  There is that.  Secondly, however, I do think there is the building of maturing, intuition, and best use of resources, frame of reference that one only builds over time.  It also answer the 'age old' question...Why did my egg sandwich change?  Alright, that's probably enough of that.

It was a really fantastic egg sandwich...

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