Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pancakes and Pop Songs

Systematically waking up at 5am, even on sleep-in days.  I envy those who can sleep-in all the time, any time.  Getting up early, however, back when I was younger and lived with my parents, meant getting a yummy breakfast.  That was very worthwhile.  The house where I grew up had a screened in porch and, I would say, my parents spent the most time there.  The early mornings, meal times, and at night right before bed...In the winter, my dad would install these plastic screens to keep the patio warmer and therefore maintain the ability to dwell in the winter.  I remember being so sleepy, in high school or whenever I got a little older and wanted to sleep-in, and waking myself up to hang out with mom and dad and have pancakes.  Also, btw, my dad's pancakes were the best ever.  I still have a difficult time ordering pancakes because of the awesomeness of my dad's pancakes and how no other pancakes will be able to come close to them.  I have settled for others but, begrudgingly...I still think about them, on an early Sunday morning...He made them tinysmall (Aliciasized) and put the actual plate they were on in the oven at a warming temperature to gently melt the butter and keep all the pancakes warm as he would make 6-8 at a time.  I was very spoiled and thought that would just last forever.  Hint: It doesn't so eat the pancakes your dad makes for as long as you are able...that is all.

This weekend turned out fairly good.  It felt low-key and casual, in a good way.  I needed a rest with the traveling and other excitement that went on in September, it would nice to have this time to relax, a little, and simplify some things.  I started off Friday with big Halloween ideas.  I really wanted to make silly Halloween-themed food.  Often, I have more fun researching the food than actually making it.  I wound up making Mini Mummy Pizzas, Monster Brain Dip, and a non-alcholic drink called Blood Bath.  I also wanted to get a pumpkin and attenpt to place the Monster Brain Dip inside the head...this all happened.  The ideas were simple and fun to make.  I had help from the kiddo too and he seemed all types of happy to be a part of the sillyness.  This was the first time I carved a pumpkin.  Maybe, possibly...I did it when I was younger with my mom but...I'm sure she did most of the work.  My memories of it include me scooping out pumpkin guts and drawing the face but I don't remember doing much of the actual carving.  This time, I did the carving and the gut removal....the gut removal, still kind of disgusting.  However, the pumpkin carving was very much fun.  I also liked having one on the table, candle inside, and glowing as the night came through the windows.  It felt like Octobers of the past.

Yesterday was a day I spent feverishly cleaning.  I was getting tired of the laundry mess upstairs in the bedroom and in the hallway.  I decided to just put away clothes and vaccum and whatever else needed to happen.  I don't love cleaning but I do feel better once it is done.  I hung out my dresses and counted how many I put away.  I counted 29, which is a lot of dresses.  I realized I was 2 over a movie title and then felt bummed I was no longer ironic.  Sad.  Maybe I should give 2 away...That was finished.  I ate the left over Monster Brain Dip (Avocado, Cilantro, Salsa, Lemon Juice) making sure not to get any of it on the bedspread, one wants that.  Took a heavy duty afternoon nap and then got ready to head to Rachel's showcase at Entourage. 

Good time there...I was slightly early but was able to, somewhat, help with the show.  I am more of an obstacle, I'm sure, when I am there rather than a helper.  I look at all the jewlery and things...try things on and move things around...probably not what is wanted.  I did find out Deanna works there, which is lovely because she is such a sweet, nice person and I'm happy to know her.  She helped with getting food and beverages out for everyone.  She called my band "amazing" which was unecessary but very cool and appreciated.  I enjoyed talking with her and I want to frequent the place more often now that I know she works there.  I had a great time talking with Phil, Renee, Mark, Sarah, and a few others as well.  I worried about Phil, at the beginning, as he seemed so quiet and not in a social mood...but the martinis changed things soon after.  I even remember getting several high-fives from Phil as the night went on.  One was for mentioning I'm in the process of writing two new songs, one was for telling him I wasn't in the mood to hang out with a big crowd of people (which he called antisocial-ism) and one for comparing Jared's arm warmers to "Dickies."  I had an accidental encounter with Tammy as well.  She was at the bar and maybe talking to Phil when I saw her and thought she looked very familiar.  We chatted for a while and it was nice and unexpected.  The Twitter folks are so much fun because, for one reason, I feel as if I know them better than those I might have met another way.  So, very much a fun chat.  Jared and Kim came in soon after that and I was able to say hello to both of them as well.  I asked Jared about the new Belle & Sebastian CD, which I was told, he only had one I know where I will be around 12 today.  I hope it is still in...that would make me very happy.  If it isn't still around, he said I can be in on the next shipment.

We talked about the promotion Belle & Sebastian are doing.  I suppose there is a code on the CD you place on their website and write why you like the band.  There is a word limit and such...Stuart Murdoch will fly out to meet up with the winner, spend the day with the winner and then write a song about the winner.  This is both a pretty incredible promotion as well as something I'm not sure I would want to win.  Basicallly, I'm not sure I could deal...I would be very nervous and probably not myself.  However, I love the idea and I would love to hear the song (about me or someone I know)

I made sure everyone was able to safely get home and I then I went out the door for the night...with daydreamy thoughts of wanting to be the subject of Stuart Murdoch's song... 

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