Thursday, October 7, 2010

Something So Grey

So, I spent some of the evening writing and recording a new song.  I broke up the song into "A" "B" "C" and "D" sections...even thought there is likely an "E" section at the end I'm not counting.  I wrote the verse-like parts first and sat on the rest for a day or two.  Driving to work I thought about the song and the sections missing words and thought about what melody and/or lyrics to add or if it should go without.  I decided to include words for the "C" section that I originally left void of words.  I used the word "enzyme" and some symbols of luck.  This would be the methodology for this new song is mercurial...grey

Something I do like very much about new songs is being a part of the evolution it.  We have one song that sounds one way per the demo and the same song changes completely playing it with a four piece band, live.  There are the new songs that you love practicing over and over again.  Also, the songs you write, play a few times and shelf.  Some of the new songs, you never play at all.  Still, it is part of the grey, unwritten,  always changing process.  The process which I have borrowed unused lyrics from to create a different song all together.  

I am still surprised by songs and how intimately I remember them.  I can remember what time of year it was when I wrote it...what I ate that day, strange details.  I see the light shining in the window or the snow on the ground outside when I think about the song and when it was new.  I ate a plate of tiny pancakes before writing "Capsized" and I still wonder how sadly inspiring that must've been...hmmm  Or a song like "Trade Me Places" which David and I performed for the first time at the CD release party for "Diplomat" in January of 2009.  We finished writing the song that same month and decided to try playing it live.  As I recall, it remains my favorite performance of the song.  It will likely be on the new album and it is over a year and a half old.  It takes a long time to finish an album.   In December of last year I made a comment, on WESN, we would have the second album finished by the end of 2010.  Here it is, fall of 2010.  We aren't going to have the album finished by 2010.  I didn't consider life, and weather conditions, work, sleep, etc...before making that bold statement.  It was my birthday when I said that anyway and you feel as if anything is possible on your birthday so...that's my excuse anyway.  I think it is safe to say we will be able to complete the album before the end of 2011...and it's not my birthday so...highly likely to be true.

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